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Star Liquid skin (BXBK GR) sort/grå fridykkermaske fra Mares

Produktnummer: 35-1012

inkl. mva.

Mares STAR Liquid Skin Fridykkermaske

Lavt volum, godt synsfeldt, lett å få grep om nesen.


Et godt valg for fridykking. STAR Liquid Skin masken's design og ergonomiske form gjør at masken lett tilpasser seg de fleste typer ansikt. Maske kroppen er laget Bi-silikon, to typer silikon forent for maksimal comfort, kalt Liquid Skin. Lavt volum og redusert avstand mellom øynene og maske glassene garanterer et optimalt synsfelt.


  • Mulighet for å sette inn optisk glass -1 til -5 (tillegg)
  • Lavt volum, men god synsvinkel


STAR Liquid Skin Pure Instinct


Highly ergonomic shape adapts to all face types.

The Star LiquidSkin uses a Bi-silicone skirt that capitalizes on the exclusive Mares LiquidSkin® patent to achieve unbeatable comfort, durability, and light weight.

  • Optical lenses optional. Negative corrective lenses from -1 to -5 can be fitted quickly and easily, thanks to the Mares mask design.
  • Reduced internal volume. When freediving, the internal volume of the mask is extremely important, and a lower volume makes it easier to equalize. Thanks to a meticulous design, Mares has optimized the balance between internal volume, field of vision and comfort.