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Seven OceanS® 30x500 ml Emergency drinking water

Produktnummer: 700X

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Produkte inngår ikke i "fraktfri levring". Prisen er kr 598,- (inkl. mva) for en kartong à 30 stk. Frakt fra kr 314,- for inntil to kartonger. Kontakt oss om du er interessert, husk å notere vann i forespørsel. (Prisene i eksempelet er pr. 22.01.2024, forbehold om pris endringer).

Seven OceanS® Emergency drinking water

Forpakning, 500 ml nød drikkevann (Leveres i kartong à 30 stk)

Superior quality drinking water manufactured in accordance with stringent demands for hygiene and under the surveillance of the Norwegian Health Authorities. The product is internationally approved. Seven OceanS® is the world´s leading brand for emergency food and water rations through 60 years.

  • Approved by the Seafaring authorities in all the major shipping nations.
  • One standard ration for all flags.
  • Available from stockholders in all major ports of the world.
  • Superior quality exceeding all requirements.
  • Provides a balanced diet for survival at sea.
  • 5 years shelf life unconditionally.
  • Complies with SOLAS/ISO 18813:2006 and E.C. Directive 98/83.

Leading manufacturers of lifeboats and life rafts who emphasize quality, select the Seven OceanS® brand.

Short product description

Krav for livbåt:

  • 1 pk á 500 gram Nødmat ( 0,5 kg) pr person
  • 6 pk á 500 ml drikkevann ( 3 liter ) pr person

Krav for flåte:

  • 1 pk á 500 gram Nxdmat ( 0,5 kg) pr person
  • 3 pk á 500 ml drikkevann ( 1,5 liter ) pr person

Drink directly from the sachet. Save drinking water, drink maximum 0.5 L every 24 hrs.

UNIT - Each unit contains 500 ml 

  • 5 inner sachets of 2 x 50 ml 
  • 30 units/carton 
  • 15.00 kg net/carton 
  • 5 years shelf life exceeding SOLAS requirements.

The flexible packets offer minimum weight and are easy to stow.

Also usable in a frozen condition.

Drinking water Perservative Applies to the SOLAS LSA Code Chapter IV and

Physical parameters (Typical values): pH: 5.5 – 8.5 Conductivity: < 10 mS / m Turbidity: < 1 f.t.u Colour: < 20 Appearance: Clear Taste: Normal

Bacteriological analysis
Standard plate counts (20oC): < 100 / g Standard plate counts (37oC): < 10 / g Coliform count: 0 / g


Inner sachets. 

  • Material: Transparent foil
  • Content: 50 ml water.

Outer sachet (Unit)

  • Material: 4-layers Alu-foil Content: 500 ml (0.5 litre) 5 inner sachets of 2 x 50 ml
  • Marking: Production month and year, Lot number and expiry date


  • Material: Corrugated board
  • Content: 30 x 0.5 litre Weight: 16.33 kg gross, 15 kg net Volume: 0.0293 m3
  • Marking: Production month and year


  • Content: 36 cartons
  • Weight: 588 kg gross, 540 kg net
  • Volume: 1.30 m3, Shrink-wrapped

Shelf life:

Five years unconditionally from the date of production, marked on the packaging.




Seven Oceans Standard Emergency rations 500g pack

Langtidsholbar, minst fem år. TILBUD! For hver 11 pakker du bestiller i samme bestilling, sender vi en ekstra, gratis. Bestiller du 55 stk, sender vi 60 stk, som er maksimalt antall pr. bestilling for fri frakt. (1/1 kartong = 24 pakker | 1/2 kartong = 12 pakker). Om vi blir utsolgt, vil ny forsyning være på vei til oss.