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Sensus Ultra Recorder Black/Yellow

Produktnummer: SU-R-B-Y

inkl. mva.


Sensus Ultra, dykkeloggingsenhet "tagg"

For å feste på all type utstyr og dykkere for registrering av dykke data. Som en "Black Box"

Sensus Ultra ReefNet's er tredje generasjons dykkerloggingsenhet, videreutviklet fra forgjengeren. Fortsatt det enkleste, og mest praktiske verktøyet for å samle detaljerte dykkeloggdata, samt det rimeligste alternativet!

Ikke la Sensus Ultras lille størrelse 2,5 x 3,3 x 4,4 cm (1 "x 1,3" x 1,75 ") lure deg. Pakket inn er en sofistikert sensor, flashminne og prosessor som kan lagre 1500 timer med dykkedata med et 10 sekunders samplingsintervall.

Klar til bruk rett ut av esken, bare klipp Sensus Ultra til dykkerutstyret ditt, så registrerer det automatisk dybde- og temperaturprofiler for alle dykkene dine. Det tar bare et par museklikk å laste ned dykkedataene dine. Det er virkelig så enkelt!

Omfattende bruk

Selv om Sensus opprinnelig var designet for fritidsdykkere, har Sensus-serie med dataregistratorer blitt populær i brukt for forskjellige bransjer, og til forskjellige oppgaver:

  • Kommersielle dykkere - dykkerlogging for OSHA-krav, personlig bruk og ansvarsbestemmelse (i tilfelle ulykke)
  • Rekreasjonsdykkere - grunnleggende dykkerlogging, sikkerhetskopiering av dykkecomputer og medisinsk akutt behandling
  • Fridykkere - detaljert registrering av treningsprofiler
  • Dykke instruktører - overvåking av studenter, gjennomgang av studentprofiler for oppstignings frekvens analyse, ansvarsbestemmelse (i tilfelle ulykke)Forskere - DAN-forskningsprogrammer, langsiktig tidevanns- / temperaturlogging, backup / erstatning for andre instrumenter, merking av dyr
  • Medisinsk - logging av hyperbariske kammerbehandlinger, både for behandler og pasienter
  • Andre næringer - sporing av dybden

Tekniske spesifikasjoner, funksjon og beskrivelse:

  • Aktivering: Aktiveres i en dybde på 3 ft. (ca. 1 meter). Deaktiveres etter ca 3 minutter over 3 ft. (ca. 1 meter). Verdier for aktivering og deaktivering kan konfigureres av brukeren.
  • Samplingsintervall: 10 sekunder. Brukerkonfigurerbar fra 1 s til over 18 timer. Kapasiteten endres med intervall (f.eks. 1500 timer @ 10 s., 150 timer @ 1 s.).
  • Kapasitet: Ca. 1500 timer med dataprofiler (dybde og temperatur). Basert på standard 10 sekunders prøveintervall.
  • Arbeidsgrenser: Dybde, 500 fot (91m). Temperatur, -20 C til + 40 C.
  • Enheter: Programvare valgbar visning av meter eller fot, og grader C eller F.
  • Nedlasting: Via synlige metallunderlag på etuiet. Par med universal nedlastingsenhet. Nedlastinger til stasjonære, bærbare eller Palm-datamaskiner for profilanalyse og logging. 
  • Materiale: Glassfiberarmert polykarbonat. Svart eller gul. 
  • Størrelse: 2,5 x 3,3 x 4,4 cm (1 "x 1,3" x 1,75 ") med delt ring for feste til BC eller annet utstyr. 
  • Levetid: Opptil 10 år, permanent litiumcelle.
  • Identifikasjon: Seriell individuelt både fysisk og elektronisk. Tillater sporing av flere enheter på en datamaskin.
  • Alternativer: Tilpasset gravering tilgjengelig.

Sensus Ultra is ReefNet's third-generation dive data logging device. Building on the strengths of its predecessors, it remains the simplest, most convenient tool for collecting detailed dive log data. Remarkably, it's also the most affordable!

Don't let Sensus Ultra's diminutive size 2,5 x 3,3 x 4,4 cm  (1" x 1.3" x 1.75") fool you. Packed inside are a sophisticated sensor, flash memory and processor capable of storing 1500 hours of dive data with a 10 second sampling interval.

Ready to use right out of the box, simply clip Sensus Ultra to your dive equipment and it will automatically record depth and temperature profiles for all your dives. Downloading your dive data takes just a couple of mouse clicks. It's really that simple!

Remarkable Precision
Dive computers typically record data with a resolution/accuracy* of 1 foot in depth and 1 degree in temperature (or worse). This is fine for recreational dive logging, but for technical diving or scientific purposes, it's rather coarse. Our users have been asking for more detail, and Sensus Ultra delivers! The resolution of the new Sensus Ultra is over 20 TIMES BETTER than that of the Sensus Pro:

  • Depth is resolved to better than 0.5 inches of water, with accuracy of +/- 1 ft
  • Temperature is resolved to 0.01 C (~ 0.02 F), with accuracy of +/- 0.8 C

In the scientific market, this increased resolution allows Sensus Ultra to compete very favorably with much more expensive depth/temperature monitoring devices.

*It's important to distinguish between resolution and accuracy. Resolution specifies the smallest change that can be detected, whereas accuracy specifies the "correctness" of the data.

Configurable Options
If all you want is a simple dive logger, Sensus Ultra's standard configuration will do just fine. But if you'd like more control over how your data are recorded you may configure a number of device parameters using our bundled software:

  • Sampling Interval - Default 10 seconds. Configurable from 1 second to over 18 hours. Example...a researcher might select 60 seconds, extending the capacity to ONE YEAR for long-term water temperature monitoring.
  • Activation Depth - Default 3 fsw. Configurable in mbar (absolute). Example...while diving at high-altitude, you may wish to reduce the activation pressure accordingly.
  • End-Timer - Default 15 samples. i.e. the number of continuous samples above the activation depth which signal the completion of a dive. Example...dive instructors could extend the timer to prevent brief ascents (talking with students) from terminating the dive record prematurely.
  • User Data Storage - Approximately 16 kB of storage in the recorder is reserved for your private use. You may store certification data, medical info, or any other data in this space, and it may (if you wish) be securely encrypted with a password!

By choosing the right combination of recording parameters, you can tailor the Sensus Ultra to suit the conditions or your particular style of diving.

Common Applications
Although originally designed for recreational divers, ReefNet's Sensus line of data recorders has been used in a number of different applications across a wide spectrum of industries:

  • Recreational Divers - basic dive logging, dive computer backup, and emergency medical treatmentCommercial Divers - dive logging for OSHA requirements, personal use, and liability determination (in the event of accident)
  • Freedivers - detailed recording of training profiles
  • Dive Instructors - monitoring of students, review of student profiles for ascent rate analysis, liability determination (in the event of accident)
  • Scientists - DAN research programs, long-term tidal/temperature logging, backup/replacement for other instruments, animal tagging 
  • Medical - logging of hyperbaric chamber treatments, for both tenders and patients
  • Other Industries - fishing net depth tracking

Technical Specifications
Feature & description
Activation: Activates at a depth of 3 ft.  (approx 1m). Deactivates after about 3 minutes above 3 ft.  (approx 1m). Threshold and end-timer are user-configurable.
Sampling Interval: 10 seconds. User-configurable from 1 s to over 18 hrs. Capacity changes with interval (e.g. 1500 hrs @ 10 s., 150 hrs @ 1 s.).
Capacity: Approx. 1500 hours of data profiles (depth & temperature). Based on standard 10 second sample interval.
Working Limits:    Depth, 500 feet. Temperature, -20 C to +40C.
Units: Software selectable view of meters or feet, and degrees C or F.
Downloading: Via exposed metal pads on case. Mates with universal download unit. Downloads to desktop, laptop, or Palm computers for profile analysis and logging. 
Case Material: Glass fiber-reinforced polycarbonate. Black or Yellow.
Size: 2,5 x 3,3 x 4,4 cm (1" x 1.3" x 1.75 ") with split ring for attachment to BC or other gear.
Lifetime: Up to 10 yrs, permanent lithium cell.
Identification: Individually serialized both physically and electronically. Allows tracking of several devices on one computer.
Options: Custom engraving available.

Profile data from Sensus recorders can be quickly downloaded to ALL major computer platforms including Windows, Mac, Linux, Palm, Pocket PC, etc. (some supported only with third-party software). A universal download cradle makes connecting to any of these systems a breeze. The download process takes just a few seconds.