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OTS AquaCom SSB 4-Chanel Through Water Transceiver (5W) (SSB-2010)

Model: SSB-2010, Aquacom SSB 4-channel, voice menu, diver transceiver.

OTS AquaCom SSB 4-Channel Surface Station incl Handheld Mic & Transducer/Cable (STX-101)

Aquacom STX-101, 4-channel surface station. Includes hand held microphone & transducer / cable

OTS Buddy Phone Surface Station, Two Channel, SP-100D2 m/mic HHM-3 & transduser TCA-35

Buddy Phone® 2 Channel Surface Station, includes 35′ Transducer Cable & Hand Held Microphone

OTS Guardian FFM coms, Hot Mic, 2 Channels w/ Squelch, PTT Control, Adj. Volume (Buddy Phone)

The Buddy Phone® D2 is a digital, micro-miniature, ultrasonic transceiver allowing communication between two or more scuba divers and / or surface stations.