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Seven Oceans Standard Emergency rations 500g pack

Produktnummer: 7002

inkl. mva.

Langtidsholbar, minst fem år. (Ny leveranse ventes inn 18.03.25) TILBUD! For hver 11 pakker du bestiller i samme bestilling, sender vi en ekstra, gratis. Bestiller du 55 stk, sender vi 60 stk, som er maksimalt antall pr. bestilling for fri frakt. (1/1 kartong = 24 pakker | 1/2 kartong = 12 pakker). Om vi blir utsolgt, vil ny forsyning være på vei til oss.

Seven OceanS® Emergency food rations

500 gram pakke med nødrasjon for martitimt bruk.

Inneholder en balansert diet for overlevelse til sjøs.

Ingredienser: Hvetemel, vegetabilsk fett (palme), sukker og vitaminer (C/B1/B6). Kan inneholde spor av melk & soya.

Krav for livbåt:

  • 1 pk à  500 gram Nødmat ( 0,5 kg) pr person (inneholder 9 små pakker/serveringer)
  • 6 pk à 500 ml drikkevann ( 3 liter ) pr person

Krav for flåte:

  • 1 pk à  500 gram Nødmat ( 0,5 kg) pr person
  • 3 pk à 500 ml drikkevann ( 1,5 liter ) pr person

To provide a balanced diet for survival at sea. Approved world-wide for use on board lifeboats and life rafts. The high quality packaging also includes directions for use in 14 different languages. Halal Certified. Seven OceanS® is the world´s leading brand for emergency food and water rations through 60 years.

  • Approved by the Seafaring authorities in all the major shipping nations.
  • One standard ration for all flags.
  • Available from stockholders in all major ports of the world.
  • Superior quality exceeding all requirements.
  • Provides a balanced diet for survival at sea.
  • 5 years shelf life unconditionally.
  • Complies with SOLAS/ISO 18813:2006 and E.C. Directive 98/83.

Leading manufacturers of lifeboats and life rafts who emphasize quality, select the Seven OceanS® brand.

Short product description


Consumed directly from the packet.

Unit - Each unit contains 500 g 

  • 9 bars of 56 g and 271 kcal each 
  • 24 units/carton 
  • 12.00 kg net/carton 
  • 5 years shelf life exceeding SOLAS requirements.

Vacuum packed in air- and watertight 3 layer alufoil in a strong water repellent box.


Contains optimal ratio of balanced nutrition to volume. Halal Certified.

Logistical qualities

Seven OceanS® Emergency Ration consists of compressed food tablets of approx. 27.8 g each. Each unit (500 g net) contains 18 tablets packed in 9 bars with grease-proof paper. The 9 bars are packed under vacuum in air- and watertight alu-foil. This unit is protected by a water-repellent cardboard box.

  • Unit: 18 tablet packed in 9 bars
  • Carton: 24 units of 500 g, 12 kg net / 13.44 kg gross / 0.018 m3
  • Pallet: 55 cartons / 1320 units. 660 kg net / 739 kg gross / 1.24 m3 incl. pallet.
  • Shrink-wrapped

Marking : Manufacturing- and expiration date in addition to Lot number.

Shelf life

Shelf life is five years unconditionally from the manufacturing date.

Seven OceanS® 30x500 ml Emergency drinking water

Produkte inngår ikke i "fraktfri levring". Prisen er kr 598,- (inkl. mva) for en kartong à 30 stk. Frakt fra kr 314,- for inntil to kartonger. Kontakt oss om du er interessert, husk å notere vann i forespørsel. (Prisene i eksempelet er pr. 22.01.2024, forbehold om pris endringer).

BP-ER Emergency rations 500g pack

Langtids holdbart produkt (Ny leveranse ventes inn 18.03.25). Perfekt å ha liggende i beredskap. Fungerer også godt som energi bar. TILBUD! For hver 11 pakker du bestiller i samme bestilling, sender vi en ekstra, gratis. Bestiller du 55 stk, sender vi 60 stk, som er maksimalt antall pr. bestilling for fri frakt. (1/1 kartong = 24 pakker | 1/2 kartong = 12 pakker).