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Seven OceanS® 30x500 ml Emergency drinking water

Produktnummer: 700X

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Produkte inngår ikke i "fraktfri levring". Prisen er kr 598,- (inkl. mva) for en kartong à 30 stk. Frakt fra kr 314,- for inntil to kartonger. Kontakt oss om du er interessert, husk å notere vann i forespørsel. (Prisene i eksempelet er pr. 22.01.2024, forbehold om pris endringer).

Seven OceanS® Emergency drinking water

Forpakning, 500 ml nød drikkevann (Leveres i kartong à 30 stk)

Superior quality drinking water manufactured in accordance with stringent demands for hygiene and under the surveillance of the Norwegian Health Authorities. The product is internationally approved. Seven OceanS® is the world´s leading brand for emergency food and water rations through 60 years.

  • Approved by the Seafaring authorities in all the major shipping nations.
  • One standard ration for all flags.
  • Available from stockholders in all major ports of the world.
  • Superior quality exceeding all requirements.
  • Provides a balanced diet for survival at sea.
  • 5 years shelf life unconditionally.
  • Complies with SOLAS/ISO 18813:2006 and E.C. Directive 98/83.

Leading manufacturers of lifeboats and life rafts who emphasize quality, select the Seven OceanS® brand.

Short product description

Krav for livbåt:

  • 1 pk á 500 gram Nødmat ( 0,5 kg) pr person
  • 6 pk á 500 ml drikkevann ( 3 liter ) pr person

Krav for flåte:

  • 1 pk á 500 gram Nxdmat ( 0,5 kg) pr person
  • 3 pk á 500 ml drikkevann ( 1,5 liter ) pr person

Drink directly from the sachet. Save drinking water, drink maximum 0.5 L every 24 hrs.

UNIT - Each unit contains 500 ml 

  • 5 inner sachets of 2 x 50 ml 
  • 30 units/carton 
  • 15.00 kg net/carton 
  • 5 years shelf life exceeding SOLAS requirements.

The flexible packets offer minimum weight and are easy to stow.

Also usable in a frozen condition.

Drinking water Perservative Applies to the SOLAS LSA Code Chapter IV and

Physical parameters (Typical values): pH: 5.5 – 8.5 Conductivity: < 10 mS / m Turbidity: < 1 f.t.u Colour: < 20 Appearance: Clear Taste: Normal

Bacteriological analysis
Standard plate counts (20oC): < 100 / g Standard plate counts (37oC): < 10 / g Coliform count: 0 / g


Inner sachets. 

  • Material: Transparent foil
  • Content: 50 ml water.

Outer sachet (Unit)

  • Material: 4-layers Alu-foil Content: 500 ml (0.5 litre) 5 inner sachets of 2 x 50 ml
  • Marking: Production month and year, Lot number and expiry date


  • Material: Corrugated board
  • Content: 30 x 0.5 litre Weight: 16.33 kg gross, 15 kg net Volume: 0.0293 m3
  • Marking: Production month and year


  • Content: 36 cartons
  • Weight: 588 kg gross, 540 kg net
  • Volume: 1.30 m3, Shrink-wrapped

Shelf life:

Five years unconditionally from the date of production, marked on the packaging.




Seven Oceans Standard Emergency rations 500g pack

Langtidsholbar, minst fem år. (Ny leveranse ventes inn 18.03.25) TILBUD! For hver 11 pakker du bestiller i samme bestilling, sender vi en ekstra, gratis. Bestiller du 55 stk, sender vi 60 stk, som er maksimalt antall pr. bestilling for fri frakt. (1/1 kartong = 24 pakker | 1/2 kartong = 12 pakker). Om vi blir utsolgt, vil ny forsyning være på vei til oss.